CANCELED ISC Moving diner

CANCELED ISC Moving diner

Friday December 2nd - 6pm
Moving Diner is the most exciting culinary event of the semester. During this event, you can not only show your cooking skills but also get to know 6 other teams while you are filling your stomach.
For this event, we will need groups of 2-3 people. You can sign up alone or with 1-2 friends.
Your group will be given the task to cook either appetizer, a main dish, or a dessert. If your team gets the challenge to cook a main dish, your night will look like this:
2nd of December at 6 p.m. you will arrive at the house of team “A” who prepared the appetizer. You will be accompanied by team “B” here. Once you finished eating, you and your team go to your own (or one of your teammates) house and wait for team “C” and “D” to arrive and enjoy your main dish. Once they are finished as well, you go to the house of team “E” who prepared the dessert, which you will enjoy accompanied by team "F".
Google Forms:
Price: Free