
    1. Friday
    2. 19
    3. April
    4. 8:00

    ESN Epic Tale 2024

    ESN Epic Tale - The Dynasty Begins 🎉

    The first edition of Epic Tale by ESN CZ is finally here. A new era has begun and it's here to stay, a dynasty of kings and queens celebrating the beauty of Czech culture and heritage. Epic Tale will tell an amazing story in the city of Ostrava.

    Erasmus students will have the chance to meet their fellow royalty from all over, the 3 days will be an amazing experience from meeting new people to experiencing Czech history and culture, and hopefully, you will have

    A Tale Worth Telling

    ESNcard: 3 200 
    Without ESNcard: 3 500 



    1. Friday
    2. 19
    3. April
    4. 14:49

    Parťák & Alumni weekend

    Ahoj všem výletníkům!
    gratuluju Vám, jste vybraní jako možní účastníci leteckého zájezdu na PAW. ✈
    Tento výlet se uskuteční během víkendu 19.-21. dubna. Vše budete mít zařízené, od Vás budeme potřebovat jen pár formalit:
    • platný OP, nebo cestovní pas
    • připravit si příspěvek do 1000 Kč (parťáci nižší cena, jak je zvykem) - dle účasti bude upřesněno
    • vyplnit tento formulář, kterým potvrdíš svou účast a který je třeba pro rezervaci boarding passu
    Pokud máš strach z lítání, neboj. Máme vše ošetřené i pro tebe.


    1. Friday
    2. 19
    3. April
    4. 17:00

    Beach Volleyball 🏐

    Hey there 👋🏽 Welcome to the *ISC CTU in Prague* Volleyball group. To make your Erasmus experience more fun, we will try to make volleyball games every week.

    Regardless of your level, you are all welcome to participate. 😊✌🏾
    It will be indoor beach volleyball.


    PRICE: 70CZK/game

    👉🏾 next game: 23 Feb. 17.00-18.00


    Invite link:

    Facebook event!


    1. Thursday
    2. 25
    3. April
    4. 16:30

    International Gaming Night

    Do you want to enjoy gaming evening with your friends or just spend time with gaming console and get some poeple to know? Come enjoy gaming night with us 🤩! Gaming consoles will be prepared for you, but if you have some handheld or Xbox/PS controller, bring it over, so more people can join you. Entrance is free

    Facebook event!


    1. Wednesday
    2. 1
    3. May
    4. 10:00

    ESN Sports day

    Are you ready for the biggest outdoor event of this semester? ESN SPORTS DAY is here!🤸🏼‍♀️🏆
    WHERE: Sports area at Thalerova dormitory (Jarov campus)
    WHEN: Wednesday 1st of May (it's a public holiday)
    Registration fee for tournaments only - for others the entry is free😊
    👉50Kč/player (to be paid at the registrations on spot by card or cash)
    ⚽️ Football tournament: 5-9 members (including the goalkeeper)
    🏐 Volleyball tournament: 6 members, minimally 1 player of each gender
    🏀 Basketball tournament (streetball): 3-5 members
    We are looking forward to seeing you!🥇
    If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!
    ❗Link for registration:


    1. Tuesday
    2. 14
    3. May
    4. 0:00


    🐕 Hands4Paws

    We are going to a dog shelter Bouchalka (Na Bouchalce 398, 273 43 Buštěhrad) to pet the dogs and take them out for a walk. In addition, we are bringing them a few small gifts or financial donation to make their lives better. 

    ⏰ When? 14th of May. 

    You will receive detailed information by email after registration!

    📩 Registration:

    📌 Note that the dog shelter is outside Prague. If you have a Prague public transportation pass, you will need an extra ticket for 3 zones, which costs 15 CZK (students < 26 years) / 30 CZK (adults) per ride. 

    In case you don't have the Prague public transportation pass, you will need a single ticket for 6 zones (30 CZK students < 26 years / 60 CZK adults) per ride. You can buy the ticket beforehand through the PID Lítačka mobile app. There will also be time to buy the ticket at Nádraží Veleslavín, where we will change to a suburban bus.

    If it rains, the event will likely be rescheduled. You will be informed in advance on your email.

    Capacity is limited, so be fast and sign in 😉


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